Sengwer Indigenous Development Project

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Our Objective

Sengwer Indigenous Development Project (SIDP) is non-profit Non-Governmental Organization registered by Kenya government in 1999. SIDP's main objective is to protect Sengwer (Cherangany) Indigenous Peoples from extinction by enhancing their social, cultural, economic, health and human rights. Besides, to promote, protect and revitalize herbal knowledge and conserve the environment.

Our Programmes

SIDP undertakes community programmes in and around Cherangany Hills in West Pokot, Trans Nzoia and Marakwet districts in Rift Valley Province (Kenya). We run projects in the following areas:-


i)                    Human and Indigenous Peoples Rights

ii)                   Culture and Language

iii)                 Land Rights

iv)                 Education

v)                  Health and Herbal Medicine

vi)                 Women and Youth empowerment

vii)               Water and Forest Conservation

viii)              Ecotourism

To protect Sengwer ethnic minority hunter-gatherer Indigenous Peoples from extinction